1. For Custom made website,
a. Free hosting for first year will be provided by Specflux Solutions and certain charge is to be paid by the client to Specflux Solutions to continue hosting. Extra charge may be applied for late payment of the hosting charge. The amount of hosting charge is subject to change at the discretion of Specflux Solutions
b. Free service to check domain availability will be provided by Specflux Solutions.
c. It is Clients responsibility to renew domain every year. The payment should be made to Specflux Solutions, at least 7 working days prior expiry date.
d. In event of late payment, Specflux Solutions is not to be held liable if the domain ownership is lost.
e. Reliable Web hosting of 98% uptime will be provided however in event of any downtime we will not be hold responsible. Specflux might choose to compensate the client in terms of discount in the future for any fees.
f. Fair usage policy in terms of storage and bandwidth is to be observed by client to ensure
g. Training documentation will be provided by Specflux Solutions to client upon 2 weeks after completion of project upon request only.
h. Any amendments or extra info required by Client regarding the website training documentation is to be asked and clarified within 1 week after delivery of project.
i. Face to face training will only be conducted upon request of the client and is subject to availability of staff of Specflux Solutions to conduct the training.
j. Maintenance of the website is free for a year after deployment. Subsequent maintenance price will be quoted based on the nature of the website.

2. For mobile applications,
a. Specflux Solutions will require detailed documentation and flow to start with project. Delay to provide these details is not
b. Charges that is required to add the application into Google Play Store is to be payed by client to Specflux Solutions in order to smoothen the flow.
c. If API is required, the client is strongly advised to buy domain in order to ease the usage of the application.
d. In event of purchase of domain and the client wants Specflux Solutions to host the website, charges for the first year is only the domain purchase charge.
e. Charge of RM75 is to be paid by the client to Specflux Solutions to continue hosting. Extra charge may be applied for late payment of the hosting charge.
f. Free service to check domain availability will be provided by Specflux Solutions.
g. It is Clients responsibility to renew domain every year. The payment should be made to Specflux Solutions, at least 7 working days prior expiry date.
h. In event of late payment, Specflux Solutions is not to be held liable if the domain ownership is lost.
i. Reliable Web hosting of 98% uptime will be provided.
j. Unlimited storage will be provided to the customer.
k. Training documentation will be provided by Specflux Solutions to client upon 2 weeks after completion of project.
l. Any amendments or extra info required by Client regarding the website training documentation is to be asked and clarified within 1 week after delivery of training documentation.
m. Face to face training will only be conducted upon request of the client and is subject to availability of staff of Specflux Solutions to conduct the training.
n. Maintenance of the app is free for a year after deployment. Subsequent maintenance price will be quoted based on the nature of the application.

3. For video editing,
a. Specflux Solutions will require customer to provide media for editing purpose
b. Extra charge will incur if client cannot provide any or part of editing content to Specflux Solutions.
c. Specflux Solutions will have the right to insert company logo or water mark or both inside the edited media.
d. An extra charge of 20% if client decline with statement (c) above.
e. Customer is allowed to request for amendment of the editing media up to 3 times without incurring any extra charges.
f. The 4th and any amendment(s) that follow will be charged based on an hourly rate.